The persistent fire in the Meira factory property that started on Monday morning has been extinguished, and the Helsinki City Rescue Department has handed over control of the property back to Meira. Preliminary damage investigations have been carried out. The first deliveries will start tomorrow, 23rd December. Meira’s quality assurance has ensured the flawlessness of all products delivered to customers and consumers.
The spice factory’s part of the property remained almost completely undamaged. Partial damage and wetting of the electrical equipment, which affects the operability of elevators, brings its own challenge in the ramp up of the factory. However, it is estimated that the lifts could be partially tested already today. Ensuring occupational safety and food safety are the main priorities in setting up the operations.
On the roastery side, the loft, roof structures, and one of the three roasters were damaged. The packaging hall, control room and the grinding equipment remained almost undamaged. Planning for the reconstruction is already underway and drying work and ensuring the safety of the premises have begun. The schedule for the ramping up the production is still open, and will be specified in the coming days.
Managing Director of Meira, Raimo Sinisalo, has been managing the crisis in Vallila, and thanks Meira’s personnel.
“This fire has been a shocking and sad event for all of us. However, I would like to thank Meira’s personnel who have shown a deep commitment in this crisis by being on duty overnight at the roastery, mapping out the damage and taking immediate action to restart production and deliveries,” says Sinisalo.
More information:
Raimo Sinisalo
Managing Director, Meira
+358 50 590 8027