As the first prominent Finnish coffee agent, Meira will be launching both a caffeine-free and a high-caffeine filter coffee into the market. Cherishing the flavor is the essence of all coffee production at Meira. It is also the reason why Kulta Katriina Plus products stem from meticulous and professional product development.

Kulta Katriina Plus BOOST coffee blend is a mixture of high quality and high-caffeine coffee varieties. The coffee contains 30% more caffeine than regular filter coffee. Product development and analytics have played a major role in refining the unique recipes. The beans are cultivated in Rainforest Alliance certified farms in Honduras, Vietnam and Central America. The dark roast and high quality coffee varieties give the coffee its strong and rich flavor. During the product development process of the BOOST coffee, a lot of attention was paid to find alternatives to the traditional milk as the companion for coffee. This coffee is a great companion for the oat drink.

Along with feeling refreshed and invigorated, more and more coffee drinkers also want to feel moments of relaxation and recovery. This is the reason for the demand for caffeine-free coffee. [i] Caffeine-free coffee offers all the joys of coffee without the refreshing effect. Even if dark roasted Kulta Katriina Plus RELAX is a totally caffeine-free filter coffee, the flavor is as rich as in the regular coffee with caffeine. This coffee may be enjoyed even in the evening without the fear of loosing a good night´s sleep. The coffee contains 100% Rainforest Alliance certified Arabica beans imported to Meira from Honduras. The caffeine has been removed from Kulta Katriina Relax with a natural Mountain Water Process: the caffeine is removed with the help of water and no chemical substances are used.

Longing for experiences is associated more and more also with coffee

A growing interest in new experiences is visible in the food trends, and more is also expected from traditional foods like coffee. Of Finnish adults 89% of men and 83% of women drink coffee daily: coffee is a strong companion in their every day life. [ii] Coffee is enjoyed on many occasions and the reason for drinking coffee might vary even by the time of the day.

Many coffee trends originate from the USA. The global coffee product trends can be divided into the demand of either in high-caffeine or totally caffeine-free products. Coffee drinkers seek either strong refreshment or avoid being overly perky in the evening. For instance, shift workers might long for products that keep up their energy level like drinks and snacks containing caffeine. [iii]

The new Kulta Katriina Plus coffees have been designed to pay attention to the challenges of every day life. They allow people to enjoy coffee anytime of the day, without compromising the sustainability or flavor of the drink.

– More and more is expected from coffee. In addition to good flavor, coffee drinkers seek elements that support their well-being and functionality, like the ability to concentrate or relax. These trends are not passing and we are very happy to be able to respond to the demand with our new products that are in a class of their own, rejoices Meira´s Marketing Manager Heidi Päiväniemi

Additional information:
Meira, Marketing Manager Heidi Päiväniemi, tel. +358 40 743 7850,


[i] Mintel Food & Drink Trends 2019-2020, 2019.

[ii] Valsta ym. Ravitsemus Suomessa. FinRavinto 2017 survey. Finnish institute for health and  welfare. 2018.

[iii] Mintel Food & Drink Trends 2019-2020, 2019.